‘Physical Activity-Related Individual Differences in Functional Human Connectome Are Linked to Fluid Intelligence in Older Adults’

“The study examined resting state functional connectivity (rs-FC) associated with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MV-PA), sedentary time (ST), TV viewing, computer use and their relationship to cognitive performance in older adults. We used pre-intervention data from 119 participants from the Fit & Active Seniors trial. … Our findings suggest that greater functional integration within networks implementing top-down control and within those supporting visuospatial abilities, paired with segregation between networks critical and those not critical to top-down control, may help promote cognitive reserve in more physically active seniors.”

Find the paper and full list of authors at Neurobiology of Aging.

View on Site: ‘Physical Activity-Related Individual Differences in Functional Human Connectome Are Linked to Fluid Intelligence in Older Adults’
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