

  • ‘Machine Learning for Prediction of Protein Function and Elucidation of Enzyme Function and Control’


    “Our machine learning methodology, partial order optimum likelihood (POOL) is used to predict biochemically active amino acids in the three-dimensional structures of proteins. Computed electrostatic and chemical properties of individual amino acids serve as input features. Our most recent applications of POOL are described. From predicted local sites of biochemical activity, the biochemical functions of structural genomics proteins of unknown function are predicted by local structure matching of predicted spatial arrays of active amino acids with those of proteins of known function.” Find the paper and full list of authors in Biophysical Journal.

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  • ‘Giant Effective Magnetic Moments of Chiral Phonons From Orbit-Lattice Coupling’

    “Circularly polarized lattice vibrations carry angular momentum and lead to magnetic responses in applied magnetic fields or when resonantly driven with ultrashort laser pulses. Recent measurements have found responses that are orders of magnitude larger than those calculated in prior theoretical studies. Here, we present a microscopic model for the effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons in magnetic materials that can reproduce the experimentally measured magnitudes and that allows us to make quantitative predictions for materials with giant magnetic responses using microscopic parameters.” Find the paper and full list of authors in Physical Review B.

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  • ‘From Universal Owners to Owners of the Universe? How the Big Three are Reshaping Corporate Governance’

    “The prominent ownership position of the Big Three asset management firms (i.e., BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Global Advisors) in many leading companies around the world has sparked a lively debate regarding whether their concentration of power is beneficial or detrimental for corporate governance (CG). We conduct a comprehensive literature review of extant empirical research examining the link between the Big Three and CG dimensions.” Find the paper and full list of authors in S&P Global Market Intelligence.

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  • Egido receives NSF funding to study healthy food choices within urban planning

    “In this project, the investigators study the causal relationship between the urban areas we visit frequently and healthy food choices using massive datasets of human mobility in cities. The results will offer broader impacts on a range of future issues in public health, urban planning, and transportation management.”

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  • ‘Intrinsic symmetry-protected topological mixed state from modulated symmetries and hierarchical structure of boundary anomaly’

    “We introduce a class of intrinsic symmetry-protected topological mixed state (mSPT) in open quantum systems that feature modulated symmetries, such as dipole and subsystem symmetries. Intriguingly, these mSPT phases cannot be realized as the ground states of a gapped Hamiltonian under thermal equilibrium. The microscopic form of the density matrix characterizing these intrinsic mixed-state SPT ensembles is constructed using solvable coupled-wire models that incorporate quenched disorder or quantum channels. A detailed comparison of the hierarchical structure of boundary anomalies in both pure and mixed states is presented.” Find the paper and full list of authors in Physical Review B.

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  • ‘America’s Latinx Dad: Remembering Emilio Delgado

    Professor of English at Northeastern University Nicole Guidotti-Hernández provides a critical review and question-and-answer with LatinX actor and performer Emilio Delgado. “Here,” she writes, “I reflect as a Latinx feminist scholar, realizing how it was great to learn that the man who played Luis and Quijano believed in our collective humanity and was uncommonly kind.”

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  • ‘Effective Theory Building and Manifold Learning’

    “Manifold learning and effective model building are generally viewed as fundamentally different types of procedure. After all, in one we build a simplified model of the data, in the other, we construct a simplified model of the another model. Nonetheless, I argue that certain kinds of high-dimensional effective model building, and effective field theory construction in quantum field theory, can be viewed as special cases of manifold learning. I argue that this helps to shed light on all of these techniques.”

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  • ‘Biochemical and Functional Characterization of the p.A165T Missense Variant…’

    “Recent genome-wide association studies have identified a missense variant p.A165T in mitochondrial amidoxime-reducing component 1 (mARC1) that is strongly associated with protection from all-cause cirrhosis and improved prognosis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The precise mechanism of this protective effect is unknown. … To investigate the mechanism, we have generated a knock-in mutant mARC1 A165T and a catalytically dead mutant C273A (as a control) in human hepatoma HepG2 cells, enabling characterization of protein subcellular distribution, stability, and biochemical functions of the mARC1 mutant protein expressed from its endogenous locus.” Find the paper and full list of authors in Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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  • ‘SoK: Technical Implementation and Human Impact of Internet Privacy Regulations’

    “Growing recognition of the potential for exploitation of personal data and of the shortcomings of prior privacy regimes has led to the passage of a multitude of new privacy regulations. Some… have been the focus of large bodies of research by the computer science community, while others have received less attention. In this work, we analyze a set of 24 privacy laws and data protection regulations drawn from around the world… and develop a taxonomy of rights granted and obligations imposed by these laws.” Find the paper and list of authors in the 2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy proceedings.

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  • ‘A Moment of Renewal for the WPS Agenda in the Non-NATO Balkan States: Spotlight on Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo’

    “During the 75th NATO anniversary and latest NATO summit in July, the alliance renewed its Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) policy, with implications for Balkan countries both inside the alliance (Albania, Montenegro, and North Macedonia) and outside of it (Bosnia-Herzegovina [BiH], Kosovo, and Serbia). Two countries that aspire to join NATO – BiH and Kosovo – have faced challenges wrought by the gendered legacy of war, but recent advancements suggest a promising path forward. In this moment of renewed interest in the WPS agenda, implementing further WPS reforms can provide NATO hopefuls with strategic advantage in their efforts to join…

  • A wannabe detective and an upper-crust occultist confront conspiracy in ‘Relentless Melt’

    Teaching professor in English Jeremy Bushnell’s third novel, “Relentless Melt,” tells the story of Artie Quick, a Boston salesgirl in 1909 who dreams of becoming a detective — and of finding something to investigate. With “her pal Theodore, an upper-crust young bachelor whose interest in Boston’s occult counterculture has drawn him into the study of magic,” according to the publisher’s webpage, the two “uncover a series of violent abductions that take them on an adventure from the highest corridors of power to the depths of an abandoned mass transit tunnel.”

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  • An ‘intellectual mixtape’ on hip-hop: ‘That’s the Joint!’

    Murray Forman, professor in the College of Arts, Media and Design, has co-edited the third edition of “That’s the Joint!: The Hip-Hop Studies Reader,” which originally released in 2004. “This intellectual mixtape,” according to the publisher’s webpage, brings together 46 readings across a variety of key topics, including “the history of hip-hop, authenticity debates, gender, the globalization of hip-hop,” and much more. The editors have also included critical introductions to place each piece in context. Forman co-edited the volume with Mark Anthony Neal and Regina N. Bradley.

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  • Helping managers help you by ‘Creating an Environment for Successful Projects’

    “Creating an Environment for Successful Projects,” by Randall Englund, lecturer in Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies, and Robert J. Graham, aims to make organizations as “project-friendly” as possible. Now in its third edition, “For over twenty years,” according to the publisher’s webpage, this volume “has been a staple for upper managers who want to help projects succeed.” In some ways helping upper managers get out of the way of their own organization, this book helps managers empower their teams “and shows how to develop project management as an organizational practice.”

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  • In ever-more digitalized world, we all need a ‘Handbook of Social Computing’

    This new handbook, co-edited by Francesca Grippa in Northeastern’s College of Professional Studies, responds “to the increasingly blurred boundaries between humans and technology,” according to the publisher’s webpage. Geared toward practitioners across disciplines, from computer scientists and social network analysts to sociologists, this volume “illustrates the diverse ways in which digital technologies can be used to analyze social behavior, recognize individual and group interaction patterns and improve daily life.”

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  • Excelling in law school exams may be exercise in ‘Getting to Maybe’

    Originally published in 1999, professor of law Jeremy R. Paul’s “Getting to Maybe: How To Excel on Law School Exams” — co-written with Richard Michael Fischl — has been released in a second edition. “What sets it apart from its competitors is its frank recognition that law exams test legal reasoning,” according to the publisher’s copy, “and that legal reasoning cannot be reduced to any simple ‘check the boxes’ template.” Rather than relying on binary right-or-wrong answers, “Getting to Maybe” prepares students to argue their points, “mobilizing persuasive arguments on multiple sides of legal problems.”

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  • ‘Analyzing High-Throughput Assay Data To Advance the Rapid Screening of Environmental Chemicals for Human Reproductive Toxicity’

    “While high-throughput (HTP) assays have been proposed as platforms to rapidly assess reproductive toxicity, there is currently a lack of established assays that specifically address germline development/function and fertility. We assessed the applicability domains of yeast (S. cerevisiae) and nematode (C. elegans) HTP assays in toxicity screening of 124 environmental chemicals, determining their agreement in identifying toxicants and their concordance with reproductive toxicity in vivo.” Find the paper and full list of authors at Reproductive Toxicology.

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  • ‘Through the Theory of Mind’s Eye: Reading Minds with Multimodal Video Large Language Models’

    “Can large multimodal models have a human-like ability for emotional and social reasoning, and if so, how does it work? Recent research has discovered emergent theory-of-mind (ToM) reasoning capabilities in large language models (LLMs). LLMs can reason about people’s mental states by solving various text-based ToM tasks that ask questions about the actors’ ToM (e.g., human belief, desire, intention). … Thus, we consider videos a new medium for examining spatio-temporal ToM reasoning ability. Specifically, we ask explicit probing questions about videos with abundant social and emotional reasoning content.”Find the paper and full list of authors at ArXiv.

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  • ‘On-Demand Auxeticity and Co-Existing Pre-Tension Induced Compression Stage … with Kinematically Constrained 3D Suture Tiles’

    “By incorporating concepts from auxeticity, kinematic constraints, pre-tension induced compression (PIC), and suture tessellations, tiled sandwich composites are designed, demonstrating behaviors attributed to the synergy between auxeticity and pre-tension induced contact and compression, simultaneously triggered by a threshold strain. The designs can theoretically achieve on-demand Poisson’s ratio in the widest range (−∞, +∞), and once triggered, the Poisson’s ratio is stable under large deformation.”Find the paper and full list of authors in Nature Communications.

  • ‘Digital Avatars: Framework Development and Their Evaluation’


    “We present a novel prompting strategy for artificial intelligence driven digital avatars. To better quantify how our prompting strategy affects anthropomorphic features like humor, authenticity, and favorability we present Crowd Vote – an adaptation of Crowd Score that allows for judges to elect a large language model (LLM) candidate over competitors answering the same or similar prompts. To visualize the responses of our LLM, and the effectiveness of our prompting strategy we propose an end-to-end framework for creating high-fidelity artificial intelligence (AI) driven digital avatars.” Find the paper and full list of authors at ArXiv.

  • ‘When Being Managed by Technology: Does Algorithmic Management Affect Perceptions of Workers’ Creative Capacities?’


    “Artificial intelligence is rapidly being integrated into human roles in the workplace. One example is algorithmic management, where employees are supervised in the execution of their tasks by algorithms. Unfortunately, we know little about how algorithmic management affects the perceptions of employees managed by these algorithms. In three experiments, we explore people’s beliefs about the creative capacities of employees who are managed by algorithms.”

  • ‘Navigating the Paradox: Challenges and Strategies of University Students Managing Mental Health Medication in Real-World Practices’


    “Mental health has become a growing concern among university students. While medication is a common treatment, understanding how university students manage their medication for mental health symptoms in real-world practice has not been fully explored. In this study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with university students to understand the unique challenges in the mental health medication management process and their coping strategies, particularly examining the role of various technologies in this process. We discovered that … the medication management process for students was a highly dynamic journey involving frequent dosage changes.” Find the paper and full list of authors at ArXiv.

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  • ‘Revisiting the Musical Reminiscence Bump: Insights From Neurocognitive and Social Brain Development in Adolescence’


    “Music listening is enjoyed across the lifespan and around the world. This has spurred many theories on the evolutionary purpose of music. The Music for Social Bonding hypothesis posits that the human capacity to make music evolved for the purpose of creating and preserving relationships between one another. … we propose that neurocognitive changes in the reward system make adolescence an ideal developmental time window for investigating interactions between prosocial behavior and reward processing, as adolescence constitutes a time of relative increase in music reward valuation.” Find the paper and full list of authors in Frontiers in Psychology.

  • The hardest part of your job may be the people you work with (including you)

    Odds are that your job is most challenging when working with others — Loredana Padurean, associate teaching professor at Northeastern University, has written “The Job Is Easy, the People Are Not: 10 Smart Skills To Become Better People,” which collects 10 interviews “with professional managers and academic leaders” and 10 skills that Padurean believes could replace “soft” skills. This book provides “practical suggestions about how to develop your own smart skills,” according to the book’s webpage, and might help some readers “realize that you are also one of the people that makes the job harder than it should be!”

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  • ‘Belle da Costa Greene: Rediscovering the Black Woman Who Made the Morgan Library’

    Assistant professor of history Jessica Linker tells the story of Belle da Costa Greene, who was John Pierpont “Morgan’s personal librarian and, later, the library’s first director, [who] stewarded its transformation into a modern institution.”

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  • ‘Evaluating a Novel High-Density EEG Sensor Net Structure for Improving Inclusivity in Infants With Curly or Tightly Coiled Hair’

    “Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important tool in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience for indexing neural activity. However, racial biases persist in EEG research that limit the utility of this tool. One bias comes from the structure of EEG nets/caps that do not facilitate equitable data collection across hair textures and types. Recent efforts have improved EEG net/cap design, but these solutions can be time-intensive, reduce sensor density, and are more difficult to implement in younger populations. The present study focused on testing EEG sensor net designs over infancy.” Find the paper and list of authors in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

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  • Finding new possibilities by ‘Crossing Digital Fronteras’


    “Crossing Digital Fronteras: Rehumanizing Latinx Education and Digital Humanities,” edited by Northeastern professors Isabel Martinez and the late Ángel David Nieves — with Irma Victoria Montelongo of the University of Texas and Nicholas Daniel Natividad of New Mexico State University — “centers critical Latinx Digital Humanities,” according to the publisher’s webpage. “This book definitively inserts Latinx Digital Humanities into broader conversations,” including pedagogy, social justice, and more, providing “students the liberatory learning they deserve.”

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  • Increasing participation with ‘Conversational Design’

    Michael Arnold Mages, assistant professor of art and design in the College of Arts, Media and Design, has published “Conversational Design: Improving Participation and Decision-Making in Public Organizations.” This new book helps public-facing organizations retain participation rates among their stakeholders and promises to “improve co-design and informed decision-making practices” by offering “practical tools and case studies to stimulate participation and foster better conversations.” Aimed at “both practitioners and scholars of design,” “Conversational Design” seeks to bridge the gap between policymakers, designers and “citizen voices.”

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  • Linker made Honorary Fellow of Massachusetts Historical Society

    Assistant professor of history Jessica Linker was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the oldest organization in the United States devoted to collecting materials for the study of American history.

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  • Lucas appointed to Board of Early Education and Care

    Professor of the Practice in public policy and economic justice Kimberly Lucas “has been appointed to the Board of Early Education and Care by Governor Maura Healey. Professor Lucas will serve as an expert in the evaluation and assessment of successful preschool education programs,” the College of Social Sciences and Humanities wrote.

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  • Hua Dong receives teaching innovation award

    Principal lecturer in Chinese and coordinator of the Chinese program Hua Dong has been selected as the recipient of this year’s New England Chinese Language Teachers Association Teaching Innovation Award.

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