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Babies respond to sign language. What does that tell us about human nature?
sign language

Babies respond to sign language. What does that tell us about human nature?

When we think about nature vs. nurture, we’re biased. Here’s why.
silhouette of a womans head with blue neuro map overlaid

Science & TechnologyArticle

When we think about nature vs. nurture, we’re biased. Here’s why.

How the dark shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic is changing our brains
drawing of a coronavirus looming over a sitting man


How the dark shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic is changing our brains

These athletes pursue championships while on co-op
Megan Carter and Sammy Shupe stand outside their co-op stations.


These athletes pursue championships while on co-op

William Sharp

William Sharp

Distancing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus can be awkward. How can we deal with it?

Distancing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus can be awkward. How can we deal with it?

COVID-19 misconceptions are hard to fight. Cognitive psychology might help spot why people get the coronavirus wrong.
Woman in a cloth face covering

COVID-19 misconceptions are hard to fight. Cognitive psychology might help spot why people get the coronavirus wrong.

George Floyd’s death has brought people out to protest, despite the COVID-19 pandemic

George Floyd’s death has brought people out to protest, despite the COVID-19 pandemic

The ‘murder hornet’ is out to get bees, not humans. So why are people still freaking out over it?
Picture of the Asian giant hornet

The ‘murder hornet’ is out to get bees, not humans. So why are people still freaking out over it?

Here’s how to combat the fear caused by a barrage of COVID-19 news

Here’s how to combat the fear caused by a barrage of COVID-19 news

Childhood trauma changes your brain. But it doesn’t have to be permanent.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Childhood trauma changes your brain. But it doesn’t have to be permanent.

Could brain scans of children predict teenage mental illness?

Science & TechnologyArticle

Could brain scans of children predict teenage mental illness?