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NSF funds groundbreaking research project led by Northeastern to ‘democratize’ artificial intelligence
Someone working in a dark room full of servers.

Science & TechnologyArticle

NSF funds groundbreaking research project led by Northeastern to ‘democratize’ artificial intelligence

How should today’s students prepare to enter a workforce transformed by artificial intelligence?
Suresh Muthuswami and Ravi Ramamutri at the front of a crowded event room.

University NewsArticle

How should today’s students prepare to enter a workforce transformed by artificial intelligence?

Two members of the Northeastern community elected ACM Fellows for contributions to artificial intelligence and advances in computer science

NGN Research
Two members of the Northeastern community elected ACM Fellows for contributions to artificial intelligence and advances in computer science

How can cities use AI? These professors are creating guidelines for how artificial intelligence could be used for public interest
Skyline view of Boston.

Science & TechnologyArticle

How can cities use AI? These professors are creating guidelines for how artificial intelligence could be used for public interest

Is facial recognition identifying you? Are there ‘dog whistles’ in ChatGPT? Ethics in artificial intelligence gets unpacked
graduate students in a classroom for AI ethics summer program

University NewsArticle

Is facial recognition identifying you? Are there ‘dog whistles’ in ChatGPT? Ethics in artificial intelligence gets unpacked

Northeastern professor wins prestigious award for her work on the ethics of artificial intelligence
Head shot of Tina Eliassi-Rad.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern professor wins prestigious award for her work on the ethics of artificial intelligence

Advances in artificial intelligence will help make up for population shortfalls, Northeastern expert says
toddler meeting a robot

Science & TechnologyArticle

Advances in artificial intelligence will help make up for population shortfalls, Northeastern expert says

Northeastern London panel of experts navigate the perils of artificial intelligence in modern society
crowd of people at Northeastern event in London

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern London panel of experts navigate the perils of artificial intelligence in modern society

Northeastern scientists using artificial intelligence to unlock the mystery of El Nino’s impact on droughts and floods
A violently overflowing river rushes under a bridge.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern scientists using artificial intelligence to unlock the mystery of El Nino’s impact on droughts and floods

How Maine’s economy, legacy industries are evolving with the help of the Roux Institute, artificial intelligence
audience watching and listening to a panel of speakers

Science & TechnologyArticle

How Maine’s economy, legacy industries are evolving with the help of the Roux Institute, artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is here, but the technology faces major challenges in 2023
ai generated image of an abstract human head

Science & TechnologyArticle

Artificial intelligence is here, but the technology faces major challenges in 2023

Samuel Scarpino’s passion for artificial intelligence and why Northeastern is a global leader in the field
screen displaying code

Science & TechnologyArticle

Samuel Scarpino’s passion for artificial intelligence and why Northeastern is a global leader in the field