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New algorithm can discover materials with unusual characteristics—including invisibility

Science & TechnologyArticle

New algorithm can discover materials with unusual characteristics—including invisibility

Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak could become reality thanks to a Northeastern professor’s algorithm

Science & TechnologyArticle

Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak could become reality thanks to a Northeastern professor’s algorithm

Machines are writing news stories. Does that mean robots will replace reporters?

World NewsArticle

Machines are writing news stories. Does that mean robots will replace reporters?

Don’t expect ‘fake news’ to disappear in 2018

Don’t expect ‘fake news’ to disappear in 2018

Professor designs artificial intelligence to help doctors make better treatment decisions
“The end game is that we would really like for physicians sitting in their offices working with a patient to immediately have access to structured, compiled evidence from all of the trials that might be relevant to the patient’s needs,” said Byron Wallace, a machine learning expert and creator of RobotReviewer. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

Science & TechnologyArticle

Professor designs artificial intelligence to help doctors make better treatment decisions

Paging doctor data: Machine learning and the future of healthcare
“I'm excited about realizing data-driven patient care and healthcare policies,” said Byron Wallace, assistant professor of computer and information science at Northeastern. “I think machine learning will be key in getting us there.”

Science & TechnologyArticle

Paging doctor data: Machine learning and the future of healthcare

CCIS dean named fellow of leading international computing society

CCIS dean named fellow of leading international computing society

Is that a turnip or a bomb?

Science & TechnologyArticle

Is that a turnip or a bomb?

Carla Brodley appointed dean of the College of Computer and Information Science

Carla Brodley appointed dean of the College of Computer and Information Science

How did Watson get so smaht?

Science & TechnologyArticle

How did Watson get so smaht?