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Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria underscore need to overhaul old infrastructure everywhere, Northeastern experts say
People examine the wreckage of a collapsed building in Turkey

World NewsArticle

Earthquakes in Turkey, Syria underscore need to overhaul old infrastructure everywhere, Northeastern experts say

Northeastern first-year female engineering students outnumber men for the first time. Two alumnae share their experiences
gisele aoun operating equipment

Northeastern first-year female engineering students outnumber men for the first time. Two alumnae share their experiences

Kate England, NU grad, named Boston’s first director of green infrastructure
portrait of kate england outside

Kate England, NU grad, named Boston’s first director of green infrastructure

‘We are better because we are diverse,’ Northeastern’s Karl Reid tells engineering graduates

‘We are better because we are diverse,’ Northeastern’s Karl Reid tells engineering graduates

How squid camouflage could help prevent skin cancer in humans
Dan Wilson, a research scientist at Northeastern’s Kostas Research Institute, constructs a wearable UV light sensitive detector.

Science & TechnologyArticle

How squid camouflage could help prevent skin cancer in humans

Northeastern University professor Jerome F. Hajjar elected to National Academy of Engineering

Northeastern University professor Jerome F. Hajjar elected to National Academy of Engineering

How his amphibious airplanes could bring flight to inaccessible places
Portrait of Daniel Peabody-Harrington.

Science & TechnologyArticle

How his amphibious airplanes could bring flight to inaccessible places

With this new technology, 3D printing comes to life … literally.

Science & TechnologyArticle

With this new technology, 3D printing comes to life … literally.

This data science engineer helps family trees grow at

Society & CultureArticle

This data science engineer helps family trees grow at

With new space added, here’s where to find the best places to study on Northeastern’s campuses
northeastern shillman hall

With new space added, here’s where to find the best places to study on Northeastern’s campuses

The robotics team advances to the semifinals of a global competition
A robotic arm mimics the movements of a human hand

Science & TechnologyArticle

The robotics team advances to the semifinals of a global competition

How data from Hurricane Ida can help bolster levees, power infrastructure

How data from Hurricane Ida can help bolster levees, power infrastructure