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Saving shellfish from climate change

Science & TechnologyArticle

Saving shellfish from climate change

This robot is going to map uncharted kelp forests in the Arctic

Science & TechnologyArticle

This robot is going to map uncharted kelp forests in the Arctic

Inhalable COVID-19 vaccine could expand the reach of COVID-19 vaccines around the world


Inhalable COVID-19 vaccine could expand the reach of COVID-19 vaccines around the world

A class project inspired this healthcare device to solve a common drug storage problem
A user explores the SaluTemp website on a smartphone.

Science & TechnologyArticle

A class project inspired this healthcare device to solve a common drug storage problem

Can computer models help restore marine life affected by climate change?
Katie Lotterhos, associate professor of marine and environmental sciences, recently received two prestigious awards: a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, and a Fulbright scholarship.

Can computer models help restore marine life affected by climate change?

Our plastic pollution problem may have more significant consequences than we think

Science & TechnologyArticle

Our plastic pollution problem may have more significant consequences than we think

She’s researching whether brain wave stimulation can slow Alzheimer’s

Science & TechnologyArticle

She’s researching whether brain wave stimulation can slow Alzheimer’s

Why is it so hot in the city?
Sunrise over Northeastern’s Boston campus.

Why is it so hot in the city?

Here’s everything you need to know about Lyme disease.

Here’s everything you need to know about Lyme disease.

What goes on inside the battery of your iPhone at the sub-atomic level?

Science & TechnologyArticle

What goes on inside the battery of your iPhone at the sub-atomic level?

When can we say that the COVID-19 pandemic is over?
picture of people at a bar


When can we say that the COVID-19 pandemic is over?

For ideas about fighting pandemics, look to termites and ants
Associate Professor Rebeca Rosengaus studies social insect behavior and researches how insects control and contain pathogen outbreaks in their own colonies.

Science & TechnologyArticle

For ideas about fighting pandemics, look to termites and ants