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New algorithm can discover materials with unusual characteristics—including invisibility

Science & TechnologyArticle

New algorithm can discover materials with unusual characteristics—including invisibility

Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak could become reality thanks to a Northeastern professor’s algorithm

Science & TechnologyArticle

Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak could become reality thanks to a Northeastern professor’s algorithm

How video technology could change the 2018 World Cup

How video technology could change the 2018 World Cup

President Aoun: Becoming ‘robot-proof’ is a lifelong journey


President Aoun: Becoming ‘robot-proof’ is a lifelong journey

Machines are writing news stories. Does that mean robots will replace reporters?

World NewsArticle

Machines are writing news stories. Does that mean robots will replace reporters?

In the future, robots will perform surgery, shop for you, and even recycle themselves

Science & TechnologyArticle

In the future, robots will perform surgery, shop for you, and even recycle themselves

Bots for play: Professor uses AI to design video games

World NewsArticle

Bots for play: Professor uses AI to design video games

Higher education must change to prepare Americans for artificial intelligence revolution

Society & CultureArticle

Higher education must change to prepare Americans for artificial intelligence revolution

Amazon opened a cashier-free convenience store. What does it mean for the future of retail?

Amazon opened a cashier-free convenience store. What does it mean for the future of retail?

The next big breakthrough in robotics

Science & TechnologyArticle

The next big breakthrough in robotics

Higher ed must prepare learners for AI age


Higher ed must prepare learners for AI age

Don’t expect ‘fake news’ to disappear in 2018

Don’t expect ‘fake news’ to disappear in 2018