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Photos: Graduate Student Appreciation Week, marathon training and golden hour
A photo shot through an MRI machine of Northeastern graduate and cognitive research scientist Olivia Rowe working on the equipment.

University NewsArticle

Photos: Graduate Student Appreciation Week, marathon training and golden hour

What does it mean that the Russian Orthodox Church is calling Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a ‘holy war’?
A Russian Orthodox Church priest gesturing while speaking to soldiers outside.

World NewsArticle

What does it mean that the Russian Orthodox Church is calling Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a ‘holy war’?

Business, government and education leaders share vision for the future during Northeastern’s Global Leadership Summit in Singapore
A speaker at a podium in a crowded auditorium at the Global Leadership Summit in Singapore. behind them lit up in red are famous buildings from Singapore.

University NewsArticle

Business, government and education leaders share vision for the future during Northeastern’s Global Leadership Summit in Singapore

Can Boeing be trusted again? What steps can the biggest name in aviation take to repair its reputation?
A Boeing airplane with an open area where a door might be. The area is covered with plastic and there are orange steps leading up to it.

World NewsArticle

Can Boeing be trusted again? What steps can the biggest name in aviation take to repair its reputation?

Five decades after his graduation, a legendary general returns to Northeastern as an inductee into the ROTC Hall of Fame
Headshot of Major General Salvatore Cambria.

NGN Magazine
Five decades after his graduation, a legendary general returns to Northeastern as an inductee into the ROTC Hall of Fame

Following Moscow attack, terrorism expert says ‘it’s only a matter of time’ before terrorists strike the US again
The Crocus City Hall burning in Moscow after a terrorist attack.

World NewsArticle

Following Moscow attack, terrorism expert says ‘it’s only a matter of time’ before terrorists strike the US again

Deputy administrator for NASA and trailblazing astronaut to speak at Northeastern’s 2024 undergraduate commencement at Fenway Park
Pam Melroy floating in the docking compartment of a space shuttle.

University NewsArticle

Deputy administrator for NASA and trailblazing astronaut to speak at Northeastern’s 2024 undergraduate commencement at Fenway Park

‘It’s a remarkable feat.’ In power since 1999, how Vladimir Putin became a Russian leader rivaled only by Josef Stalin
Vladimir Putin gesturing as he makes a speech.

World NewsArticle

‘It’s a remarkable feat.’ In power since 1999, how Vladimir Putin became a Russian leader rivaled only by Josef Stalin

Could supersonic flights be the next big thing in air travel? This flight expert isn’t so sure
A supersonic plane.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Could supersonic flights be the next big thing in air travel? This flight expert isn’t so sure

AI is radically changing the practice of law, but human interaction is crucial, experts say
A panelist speaking about law and AI.

University NewsArticle

AI is radically changing the practice of law, but human interaction is crucial, experts say

This Northeastern graduate thinks you’d be perfect for ‘The Amazing Race’
Headshot of Alex Sharp.

NGN Magazine
This Northeastern graduate thinks you’d be perfect for ‘The Amazing Race’

Why unexploded ordnances pose physical — and environmental — risks
Two people in a boat wearing life jackets remove an unexploded ordnance from a lake.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Why unexploded ordnances pose physical — and environmental — risks