10 Easy Ways To Save Money In College We get it–you’re living on a tight budget. So when we presented 10 incredibly easy ways to save money in college last month, it’s no surprise that they were incredibly popular. So in order to help you out even more, we’ve put our brains together to come up with another 10 ways you might not […]
The Orlando Sentinel Obsession with Casey Anthony case adds to circus atmosphere As Casey Anthony’s murder trial approaches, a new level of weirdness has settled in around the case: A recent wave of obsessed court watchers and fanatics have tried to inject themselves into the story, only adding to the circus atmosphere.
CBS MoneyWatch 7 Reasons to Ignore “Best Jobs” Lists As the job market finally starts to show signs of improvement, it might seem natural to want to take a closer look at the ”Best Jobs” and “Hot Careers” lists that media outlets of all stripes produce like clockwork every year. After all, who wants to stay stuck in a dying industry?
CNBC News What Every Investor Should Know About Qatar Finding Qatar on a map may be as difficult as learning how to pronounce the country’s name.
The Patriot Ledger Satch Sanders headed for Basketball Hall of Fame As a player, he was a top-notch defender who was part of eight NBA championship teams with the Boston Celtics.
The Orlando Sentinel Ralph Nader plan to abolish athletic scholarships makes some sense Bob Ley of ESPN’s Outside the Lines hosted a fascinating round table debate based on Ralph Nader’s plan to abolish college athletic scholarships Monday afternoon.
Grist Magazine Mimicking Big Tobacco, Big Soda blows smoke in Philadelphia For years now, numerous commentators (myself included) have made comparisons of the food industry with Big Tobacco. The most recent example should become the poster child for how the most egregious tactics of tobacco companies are alive and well. Last month came the announcement that the American Beverage Association (the lobbying arm of soft drink […]
Roanoke Times Board wishes it could fine Virginia Tech more The fines levied last week on Virginia Tech for failing to raise an immediate alarm about a shooter on campus on April 16, 2007, have been criticized as low, even by the disciplinary panel that assessed them.
Columbus Dispatch New college grads find few jobs in their fields Since he got his bachelor’s degree in May, Kirk Devezin II has worked a little more than six months. He has freelanced. He has never made more than the $10.36 an hour he earned as a barista at Starbucks while he was a student at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Patrick zeroes in on alleged pension abuses The Patrick administration has asked the commission that oversees public employee retirement benefits to look at possible abuse of the pension system by longtime Boston firefighters who tried to calculate all their years on the force into their pensions, including times when they were not working.
Red Orbit President Obama Highlights Success Of Technology-Driven TechBoston Academy On March 8, President Obama paid a visit to TechBoston Academy in Dorchester, Mass.–a technology-driven, 6th-12th grade pilot school within the Boston Public School System (BPS)–to promote the importance of education in today’s society and to highlight TechBoston as a model school for student success.
MetroWest Daily News Experts say housing costs, schools key to job creation in Massachusetts A commission charged with finding ways of creating new jobs was warned the state’s job creation will continue to lag unless Massachusetts improves the quality of its public schools and lowers the cost of housing.