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Famed Northeastern University rowers Jim Dietz and Mark Wilson mark the 20th anniversary of their All-American Rowing Camp


Famed Northeastern University rowers Jim Dietz and Mark Wilson mark the 20th anniversary of their All-American Rowing Camp

Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets to host Ashutosh Varshney to discuss Indian democracy

Northeastern University Center for Emerging Markets to host Ashutosh Varshney to discuss Indian democracy

Could medicine be the next industry to come under scrutiny in the #MeToo era?
stock image of people standing on a hospital-like floor

Society & CultureArticle

Could medicine be the next industry to come under scrutiny in the #MeToo era?

Nitsch Engineering CEO Lisa Brothers helps bring public art celebrating women in transportation to Boston’s South Station

Arts & EntertainmentArticle

Nitsch Engineering CEO Lisa Brothers helps bring public art celebrating women in transportation to Boston’s South Station

Purchases made when customers are angry are more likely to satisfy them, Northeastern University research shows
New research shows that angry customers stick to their goals, which “can actually lead them to make better decisions, easier decisions, and more satisfying decisions,” says Alexander DePaoli, an associate teaching professor of marketing at Northeastern who co-authored the research.

Society & CultureArticle

Purchases made when customers are angry are more likely to satisfy them, Northeastern University research shows

Ignore the hand-wringing headlines about the impending artificial intelligence revolution, but get ready for the disruption.
An image of co-author John D. Wood's eye created using artificial intelligence. Courtesy of Nada Sanders

Society & CultureArticle

Ignore the hand-wringing headlines about the impending artificial intelligence revolution, but get ready for the disruption.

‘Broscience,’ dehydration, and costly wardrobes: a student bodybuilder’s odyssey


‘Broscience,’ dehydration, and costly wardrobes: a student bodybuilder’s odyssey

Amazon is retraining 100,000 employees. What about the rest of the US workforce?

Amazon is retraining 100,000 employees. What about the rest of the US workforce?

A welcoming approach to immigration leads to economic benefits, Northeastern University professor says

A welcoming approach to immigration leads to economic benefits, Northeastern University professor says

Northeastern University’s Eleanor Patten will use her Fulbright Scholarship to teach English in Spain

Northeastern University’s Eleanor Patten will use her Fulbright Scholarship to teach English in Spain

TEDxNortheasternU 2019 to explore personal growth and interdisciplinary collaboration

TEDxNortheasternU 2019 to explore personal growth and interdisciplinary collaboration

Northeastern MBA graduate finds his business acumen and the right winter coat


Northeastern MBA graduate finds his business acumen and the right winter coat