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Will the international legal system ultimately hold those accountable for atrocities in the Russia-Ukraine, Hamas-Israel wars?
Hundreds of people sit in the United Nations Headquarters, a room with green carpets and wooden benches facing large TV screens.


Will the international legal system ultimately hold those accountable for atrocities in the Russia-Ukraine, Hamas-Israel wars?

Is there a movement afoot in Europe to recognize Palestinian statehood?
Pedro Sanchez in the Spanish Parliament building.

World NewsArticle

Is there a movement afoot in Europe to recognize Palestinian statehood?

The ICC has requested arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. International legal scholar outlines possible next steps
Israeli leaders sit together while wearing black suits and bright blue ties.


The ICC has requested arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. International legal scholar outlines possible next steps

Pro-Palestinian posts significantly outnumbered pro-Israeli posts on TikTok, new Northeastern research shows
A person holding their phone up to a black screen showing the TikTok logo.

World NewsArticle

Pro-Palestinian posts significantly outnumbered pro-Israeli posts on TikTok, new Northeastern research shows

Iran’s strike on Israel can be seen as ‘declaration of war,’ Northeastern expert says
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praying with hands uplifted in front of a large crowd, also praying.

World NewsArticle

Iran’s strike on Israel can be seen as ‘declaration of war,’ Northeastern expert says

How the U.S. Army will build a floating pier to deliver humanitarian aid to war-torn Gaza
A causeway being constructed off the coast of Australia.

World NewsArticle

How the U.S. Army will build a floating pier to deliver humanitarian aid to war-torn Gaza

A generational divide on views of Israel … in both parties, according to new survey 
A person in a crowd holds an Israeli flag in one hand an a Palestinian flag in the other hand.

Society & CultureArticle

A generational divide on views of Israel … in both parties, according to new survey 

Could the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars escalate into World War III?
Smoke billowing from an apartment building in Ukraine that had been hit by a Russian missile.

World NewsArticle

Could the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars escalate into World War III?

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is more important – and more complicated – than ever this year, Northeastern experts say
Silhouette of a man walking through the gate of a Nazi death camp in Germany.

World NewsArticle

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is more important – and more complicated – than ever this year, Northeastern experts say

Will South Africa’s lawsuit alleging genocide change the course of the Israel-Hamas war?
A palace displayed in the sunlight on a cloudy day.


Will South Africa’s lawsuit alleging genocide change the course of the Israel-Hamas war?

Why are women’s rights groups silent after Hamas’ sexual violence against women? Political leanings are to blame, experts say
Audience members setting in at an event at the UN Headquarters listening to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand speaking.

World NewsArticle

Why are women’s rights groups silent after Hamas’ sexual violence against women? Political leanings are to blame, experts say

Words as weapons: How the Israel-Hamas war also turned language into a battleground

World NewsArticle

Words as weapons: How the Israel-Hamas war also turned language into a battleground