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Through co-op, students see startups firsthand


Through co-op, students see startups firsthand

On your mark, get set, pitch!


On your mark, get set, pitch!

IDEA launches first wave of ventures

Society & CultureArticle

IDEA launches first wave of ventures

Northeastern wins top innovation prize


Northeastern wins top innovation prize

Northeastern launches new Center for Entrepreneurship Education


Northeastern launches new Center for Entrepreneurship Education

Celebrating intellectual property and the innovative spirit
world intellectual property day


Celebrating intellectual property and the innovative spirit

Student entrepreneurs turn ideas into businesses
Spring 2012 Demo Day winner 2012

University NewsArticle

Student entrepreneurs turn ideas into businesses

For student entrepreneurs, inconvenience makes room for opportunity

For student entrepreneurs, inconvenience makes room for opportunity

Celebrating Northeastern’s ‘innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem’

University NewsArticle

Celebrating Northeastern’s ‘innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem’

Foresight provides insight

University NewsArticle

Foresight provides insight