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Found 510 results.
President Aoun receives national leadership award, pledges $500K in personal funds to match Carnegie Corporation grant

President Aoun receives national leadership award, pledges $500K in personal funds to match Carnegie Corporation grant

Northeastern welcomes new faculty
Four of Northeastern's newest faculty members.

University NewsArticle

Northeastern welcomes new faculty

Northeastern welcomes 120th entering class

University NewsArticle

Northeastern welcomes 120th entering class

Paging doctor data: Machine learning and the future of healthcare
“I'm excited about realizing data-driven patient care and healthcare policies,” said Byron Wallace, assistant professor of computer and information science at Northeastern. “I think machine learning will be key in getting us there.”

Science & TechnologyArticle

Paging doctor data: Machine learning and the future of healthcare

Chatbots aren’t Terminators—they’re just trying to ‘optimize outcomes’

Chatbots aren’t Terminators—they’re just trying to ‘optimize outcomes’

Northeastern researcher named Nobel Peace Institute Fellow

Northeastern researcher named Nobel Peace Institute Fellow

Global ransomware attacks: the impact and the response

Global ransomware attacks: the impact and the response

Graduates challenged to ‘make good trouble’

Graduates challenged to ‘make good trouble’

Not just sci-fi: professor builds virtual humans, simulators to mimic our behavior

Not just sci-fi: professor builds virtual humans, simulators to mimic our behavior

Meet some of Northeastern’s newest faculty for 2016-17

Society & CultureArticle

Meet some of Northeastern’s newest faculty for 2016-17

Northeastern’s innovation and impact on display at winter showcase

University NewsArticle

Northeastern’s innovation and impact on display at winter showcase

Stranger Things, Westworld, and Mr. Robot: What’s driving our fascination with sci-fi?

Stranger Things, Westworld, and Mr. Robot: What’s driving our fascination with sci-fi?