Last updated: October 25, 2024

Students walking on the busy Northeastern University Boston campus on a summer day.

Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, followed by the war in Gaza, has prompted passionate reactions across Northeastern’s global community. Consistent with its educational mission, the university encourages civil dialogue on this complex topic. As always, the safety and security of our community is paramount, and we do not tolerate violence, harassment, intimidation, or actions and words that advocate for harm against others.

We will continue to update this FAQ with resources and information as they become available.

Did Northeastern’s leadership release a statement following the attack on Israel?

On October 10, Northeastern President Joseph Aoun, Provost David Madigan, and Chancellor Ken Henderson sent a message to the university community. The message clearly and unequivocally condemned terrorism and the killing of innocent people. The full text of this statement—which was also posted on the university’s social media channels—can be found here.

What is the administration doing to protect students on Northeastern’s campuses?

Immediately following the Hamas terror attacks of October 7, the university’s global security team identified students working or studying in Israel and quickly arranged for their evacuation from the region. Northeastern’s global team of security staff and consultants continues to closely monitor the situation.

Additional safety protocols, coordinated by the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD), have been implemented on every campus. All Northeastern campuses have dedicated safety personnel at their locations, with an increased presence at the Boston, London, and Oakland campuses given their large student populations. All NUin sites also have a dedicated team member who is tasked with coordinating with local law enforcement and communicating with NUPD in Boston. 

What is the university doing to facilitate dialogue and prevent disinformation about the conflict?

As a research institution with an educational mission, Northeastern takes pride in our faculty’s expertise and our role as a venue for respectful dialogue and debate. During the spring semester, Northeastern’s Center for International Affairs and World Cultures has organized a series of panel discussions focused on the history and context of the current conflict, including perspectives from experts in law, Jewish studies, political science, and international diplomacy. The university has been publishing frequent commentary and analysis of the latest developments by our faculty experts in a wide range of disciplines. We will continue to add opportunities to disseminate knowledge and model respectful conversations.

What are the university’s policies for holding protests/demonstrations on campus?

The university does not permit camping, overnight demonstrations, projections of images onto the walls of university property, or the erecting of structures in connection with demonstrations on any of its campuses.

All campus events—including invitations to nonaffiliated speakers, celebrations, and demonstrations—are required to obtain approval from the appropriate university division. Students who wish to hold an event, including a demonstration, must seek approval from the Division of Student Life. The Center for Student Involvement maintains a detailed list of protocols that not only provides explicit guidelines for events, but also aims to give student leaders the tools to adjust their plans and actions and resolve conflicts. Student Life staff receive training throughout the year on how to proactively handle demonstrations or disruptions to events, and both Student Life staff and NUPD are always present at all approved demonstrations.

Faculty and staff members who wish to organize demonstrations on Northeastern’s campuses must obtain approval from the Office of the Provost. 

Who is allowed to protest on Northeastern’s campuses?

Northeastern supports the rights of students, faculty, and staff to express their views in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct and other university policies such as the Faculty Handbook. Anyone who is not affiliated with the university is prohibited from participating in demonstrations on university property, even if invited to do so by a student, employee, or faculty member. Anyone on Northeastern’s campuses may be asked to identify themselves with their Husky ID card. Face masks must be adjusted or removed as needed to verify identification. All persons engaged in protests or demonstrations who are unaffiliated, or fail to produce appropriate identification, may be escorted off campus.

What happens if a protest occurs that was not approved by the university? 

If an unauthorized demonstration takes place, NUPD and Student Life staff will be notified immediately and establish a presence at the event. NUPD and Student Life will speak directly with the students and others involved, ask for Husky IDs, identify student leaders, and manage the situation to ensure it comes to a quick and peaceful conclusion. The goal is to engage in real-time discussion to inform protesters of the rules and boundaries around campus gatherings and to ensure that all parties handle themselves with dignity and respect. 

What is the university doing to prevent doxxing on its campuses?

Doxxing is a form of harassment that involves publicly exposing someone’s private information, such as their name, address, job, or other identifying information without their consent.

All instances of doxxing are a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Offenses should be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, Residential Life, Spiritual Advisors, the Office of University Equity and Compliance, the Center for Student Involvement or NUPD (contact information at the end of this FAQ). 

What is the disciplinary process for students who violate the university’s policy on events or hate speech?

The Student Conduct Process begins when a member of the university staff witnesses a violation, or when a report alleging a violation of university policy is received by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR), Residential Life, Global Experience Office, the Center for Student Involvement, or NUPD. The university reserves the right to address alleged violations and promote the safety and well-being of the campus community. Often an investigation will be conducted to resolve the complaints and/or infractions. All Northeastern students are expected to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct both on and off Northeastern campuses

What are the potential consequences for violations of university policy?

Sanctions for student violations of university policy may include, but are not limited to, loss of privileges, restrictions on participation in university-sponsored experiential learning programs, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the university. Students found in violation of the Code of Student Conduct may also be restricted from attending university events, and participating in leadership roles in university-sponsored student groups/clubs/organizations. Student organizations can also face probation, suspension, or revocation of recognition. The university reserves the right to delay, withhold, or revoke a student’s degree as an appropriate sanction depending on the nature of academic or non-academic misconduct.

Faculty and staff can face disciplinary action consistent with applicable university policies.

What is the university’s policy on hate speech?

While civil discourse is encouraged, the university does not tolerate harassment, intimidation, hate speech, or the use of symbols or signage that are unambiguously antisemitic, Islamophobic, discriminatory, or create a hostile environment for students, faculty, or staff. On a case by case basis, colleagues from NUPD, Student Life, the Office of General Counsel, and Facilities will remove inappropriate signage, investigate, and determine appropriate disciplinary actions.

Why did the university allow an unauthorized demonstration by Huskies for a Free Palestine to take place on the Boston campus? What is the university doing to hold the participants accountable?

On Friday, December 1st, students affiliated with Huskies for a Free Palestine held a demonstration in an open area of the Curry Student Center on the Boston campus. Several of the group’s leaders did not comply with clear direction from NUPD and Student Life staff. Those students are now facing disciplinary action consistent with the Code of Student Conduct. 

Depending on the facts, sanctions for the violation of university policy may include, but are not limited to, loss of privileges, probation, suspension, or expulsion.

When will we learn the outcomes of the disciplinary processes involving students who allegedly violated university policy?

Due to privacy policies—including longstanding federal law—the university does not disclose the outcome of individual disciplinary proceedings.

What is the university’s stance on academic freedom for faculty?

As described in the Faculty Handbook, the university does not impose limitations upon the freedom of faculty members in the exposition of the subjects they teach. However, classroom discussions, including of controversial matters, should serve pedagogical goals, not political agendas. The university does not limit the freedom of faculty members with regard to research, scholarship, or creative activity. Faculty members are always expected to exercise appropriate discretion and professional judgment in all facets of their teaching and research, and abide by Northeastern’s policies. Students may contact the Office for University Equity and Compliance if they believe their professor is engaged in political advocacy or bias. 

Will Northeastern sever its ties with corporations that do business with the Israeli military? And will the university commit to divest its endowment holdings in these companies?

Northeastern is the world leader in experiential learning, powered by a co-op program that maintains connections to thousands of employer partners. Students seek out co-ops with employers that align with – and enhance – their classroom studies. The university does not impose a political test on employers, nor would we support efforts to curtail students’ experiential learning options. We would hope that students who have strong political viewpoints would not try to impose their views in a way that limited opportunities for their classmates.

Northeastern’s endowment is invested to maximize opportunities for advancing the university’s educational and research mission. The endowment should not be seen as an instrument to serve specific political agendas or weigh in on matters upon which reasonable people can disagree. It is important to underscore that Northeastern does not hold direct investments in any companies. This is because the endowment is invested primarily in commingled funds—akin to mutual funds for individual investors—that include securities across a broad range of economic sectors.

What are the basic facts surrounding the encampment that took place on Northeastern’s Boston campus?

On Thursday, April 25, an unauthorized encampment was erected on Northeastern’s Boston campus. Less than 48 hours later, the university—in close cooperation with local law enforcement partners—dispersed the encampment in an orderly manner. Based on a range of factors, the Northeastern University Police Department concluded on Friday that the protest would soon present a threat to the safety of all involved.

All protesters were provided with several advance notices that the encampment would be dismantled. Protesters were offered several opportunities to leave the area and face no legal consequences. Many people took advantage of those opportunities.

It is important to state clearly that the encampment was an unauthorized occupation of university space. Protesters not affiliated with Northeastern were trespassing on private property. Student protesters were in violation of longstanding university policy on demonstrations. Numerous attempts by our Student Life staff to engage directly with students were repeatedly rejected. 

Did Northeastern’s leadership release a statement following the dismantling of the encampment?

Yes, on Monday, April 29, the university’s provost and chancellor sent an announcement to the Northeastern community. The message clearly states the multitude of facts behind the decision to clear the encampment. The statement—which was also posted on the university’s social media channels—can be found here

Were the protesters in the encampment largely affiliated with Northeastern?

No, the arrest data reveals that the majority of those living in the encampment were not Northeastern affiliates. According to the official police report, of the 98 individuals who were arrested, only 29 (less than one-third) were Northeastern students. Northeastern students who produced a valid ID to police were released and will face discipline within the university in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.

Where can students find support and resources?

This is a challenging time when many members of our community are seeking support. We encourage students on our campuses to reach out to their Residential Life staff and to the many offices that offer resources for mental health and emotional and spiritual support, including: 

WeCare: 617.373.7591 and

Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service: 617.373.2728 and

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

FIND at Northeastern: +1.877.233.9477 (U.S.), 855.229.8797 (Canada), or +1.781.457.7777(International) 

University Health and Counseling Services: 617-373-2772 and

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): 510-430-2111 and

How can I report an incident of discrimination, antisemitism, or Islamophobia?

NUPD is available 24/7 to any Northeastern community member at any campus who feels unsafe or who has questions or concerns about behavior.

For immediate emergency assistance call 617.373.3333.

For general non-emergency inquiries call 617.373.2121.

The following offices can also assist with reporting incidents:

The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution: 617.373.4390 or Office hours are also available, as listed on their website.

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

Spiritual Advisors at the Center for Spirituality, Dialogue and Service: 617.373.2728 and

FIND: +1.877.233.9477 (U.S.), 855.229.8797 (Canada), or +1.781.457.7777 (International)

The Office for University Equity and Compliance617.373.4644 or
Additional information, including reporting options, is available on their website:

University Health and Counseling Services: 617-373-2772 and

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): 510-430-2111 and

Center for Student Involvement: 617.373.2642 or