Timothy Rupert Professor and Golemme Administrative Chair in Accounting t.rupert@neu.edu 617.373.5165 Expertise cognitive and decision making processes of taxpayers and tax practitioners Timothy Rupert for Northeastern Global News What are the pros and cons of using tax software? Expert offers advice as Tax Day approaches in US What are the pros and cons of using tax software? Expert offers advice as Tax Day approaches in US For those waiting until the final days (if not hours) to file their taxes, there are options, says an accounting expert. Relief at a taxing time Relief at a taxing time Program helps low-income earners and the elderly figure out their 1040s, for free. Extending the Bush tax cuts strictly a short-term fix Extending the Bush tax cuts strictly a short-term fix President Obama and Republican leaders recently agreed to extend, for two years, tax cuts that were set to expire at the end of this month. The agreement would lower payroll taxes, continue jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed, incentivize business investments and create a plan to reinstate the estate tax. Timothy Rupert, a professor of […]