Lee Makowski Professor and Chair, Department of Bioengineering l.makowski@northeastern.edu 617.373.3006 Expertise Biophysical Signal Processing, protein chemistry, structural biology Lee Makowski in the Press Northeastern launches new bioengineering department Northeastern University has created a new department of bioengineering within its College of Engineering school, the Boston-based university announced this week. The new department will fold in theEngineering School’s existing doctoral program in bioengineering and will develop new bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the field. Students also will be eligible for co-op opportunities. The department will […] Lee Makowski for Northeastern Global News Northeastern’s Bioinnovation Center is developing low-cost biomedical devices to transform health care in West Africa Northeastern’s Bioinnovation Center is developing low-cost biomedical devices to transform health care in West Africa Northeastern’s Bioinnovation Center aligns engineering with entrepreneurship to bring real-world solutions to clinics in Ghana. Bioengineering student from Ghana wants to improve medical care in his home country. A new scholarship will help him achieve that goal Bioengineering student from Ghana wants to improve medical care in his home country. A new scholarship will help him achieve that goal Kelvin Amakye, the first recipient of the Chanrai Family Graduate Scholarship, aims to improve the quality of medical care in Ghana. COVID-19 can affect the blood. Its spike protein may be the culprit. COVID-19 can affect the blood. Its spike protein may be the culprit. The spike protein is an arm-like apparatus that might mimic proteins that regulate blood vessels and control the formation of blood clots. New research offers ‘critical insights’ for treating, preventing Alzheimer’s disease New research offers ‘critical insights’ for treating, preventing Alzheimer’s disease Northeastern professor Lee Makowski suggests that Alzheimer’s may progress not like falling dominoes but rather like a fireworks display. Bioengineering conference draws global research leaders Bioengineering conference draws global research leaders The 40th annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference drew more than 700 researchers to Northeastern last month. Northeastern creates new Department of Bioengineering Northeastern creates new Department of Bioengineering The new department within the College of Engineering will present exciting research and learning opportunities across disciplines for students and faculty and will leverage rapid growth in related sectors.
Northeastern launches new bioengineering department Northeastern University has created a new department of bioengineering within its College of Engineering school, the Boston-based university announced this week. The new department will fold in theEngineering School’s existing doctoral program in bioengineering and will develop new bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the field. Students also will be eligible for co-op opportunities. The department will […]