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Kristin Madison
Professor of Law and Health Sciences and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Kristin Madison for Northeastern Global News

Should employers be allowed to require genetic test results?

Should employers be allowed to require genetic test results?

A House committee recently passed a bill that would permit employers to impose large financial penalties on employees who don’t agree to provide genetic test results to their companies’ workplace wellness programs. Northeastern’s Kristin Madison explains the function of workplace wellness programs, the arguments for and against the bill, and what repercussions may result if it becomes law.
Health-care verdict spawns new questions

Health-care verdict spawns new questions

A panel discussion among Northeastern professors examined the Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the bulk of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
3Qs: Breaking down the Supreme Court’s health-reform ruling

3Qs: Breaking down the Supreme Court’s health-reform ruling

Law and health sciences professor Kristin Madison analyzes the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling upholding President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
3Qs: The future of the Affordable Care Act
Kristin Madison Affordable Health Care Act

3Qs: The future of the Affordable Care Act

Professor Kristin Madison examines the potential outcomes of the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on President Obama’s signature health-care legislation.
For entrepreneurs, health sciences provide challenges, opportunity

For entrepreneurs, health sciences provide challenges, opportunity

The Health Sciences Entrepreneurs, an alumni group dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship in the rapidly evolving world of health care, hosted its annual spring panel on Thursday evening.
3Qs: Diagnosing the national health-care law’s constitutionality

3Qs: Diagnosing the national health-care law’s constitutionality

Earlier this month, the United States Supreme Court announced it would hear oral arguments and issue a ruling on the constitutionality of the Obama administration’s controversial health-care reform legislation. We asked Kristin Madison, a Northeastern University professor with dual appointments in the School of Law and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, to assess the upcoming case.