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‘Impact of Physicality on Network Structure’

NGN Research
‘Impact of Physicality on Network Structure’

‘iGEM: A Model System for Team Science and Innovation’

NGN Research
‘iGEM: A Model System for Team Science and Innovation’

‘Community Mobility and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States’

NGN Research
‘Community Mobility and Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States’

‘Hyper-cores Promote Localization and Efficient Seeding in Higher-Order Processes’

NGN Research
‘Hyper-cores Promote Localization and Efficient Seeding in Higher-Order Processes’

‘Mainstream News Articles Co-Shared With Fake News Buttress Misinformation Narratives’

NGN Research
‘Mainstream News Articles Co-Shared With Fake News Buttress Misinformation Narratives’

‘Association of Post–COVID-19 Condition Symptoms and Employment Status’

NGN Research
‘Association of Post–COVID-19 Condition Symptoms and Employment Status’

NIH grant supports data modeling platform for ‘real-time… forecasts of disease activity’

NGN Research
NIH grant supports data modeling platform for ‘real-time… forecasts of disease activity’

Barabasi receives Templeton Foundation grant to use ‘Big Data to Quantify and Cultivate Genius’

NGN Research
Barabasi receives Templeton Foundation grant to use ‘Big Data to Quantify and Cultivate Genius’

‘Optimal Intervention on Weighted Networks via Edge Centrality’

NGN Research
‘Optimal Intervention on Weighted Networks via Edge Centrality’

‘The Clinical Trials Puzzle: How Network Effects Limit Drug Discovery’

NGN Research
‘The Clinical Trials Puzzle: How Network Effects Limit Drug Discovery’

The straightest line between two points: When your map’s incomplete

NGN Research
The straightest line between two points: When your map’s incomplete

Mauricio Santillana

Mauricio Santillana