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NSF grant supports study of marsh plant detritus in Merrimack River estuary

NGN Research
NSF grant supports study of marsh plant detritus in Merrimack River estuary

Fernandez receives NOAA grant to study relation between oyster growing methods and their parasites

NGN Research
Fernandez receives NOAA grant to study relation between oyster growing methods and their parasites

Ries receives NOAA grant to study future effects of CO2 climate change in the ocean

NGN Research
Ries receives NOAA grant to study future effects of CO2 climate change in the ocean

‘Sustainable HCI Under Water: Opportunities for Research with Oceans, Coastal Communities and Marine Systems’

NGN Research
‘Sustainable HCI Under Water: Opportunities for Research with Oceans, Coastal Communities and Marine Systems’

‘Microbial Chemolithoautotrophs are Abundant in Salt Marsh Sediment Following Long-Term Experimental Nitrate Enrichment’

NGN Research
‘Microbial Chemolithoautotrophs are Abundant in Salt Marsh Sediment Following Long-Term Experimental Nitrate Enrichment’

‘Environmental and Geographical Factors Structure Cauliflower Coral’s Algal Symbioses Across the Indo-Pacific’

NGN Research
‘Environmental and Geographical Factors Structure Cauliflower Coral’s Algal Symbioses Across the Indo-Pacific’

‘Changes in Water Flow Alter Community Dynamics in Oyster Reefs’

NGN Research
‘Changes in Water Flow Alter Community Dynamics in Oyster Reefs’

‘The Paradox of Adaptive Trait Clines With Nonclinal Patterns in the Underlying Genes’

NGN Research
‘The Paradox of Adaptive Trait Clines With Nonclinal Patterns in the Underlying Genes’

‘An Optimized Acidic Digestion for the Isolation of Microplastics From Biota-Rich Samples’

NGN Research
‘An Optimized Acidic Digestion for the Isolation of Microplastics From Biota-Rich Samples’

Ocean Genome Legacy Center partners with 1% for the Planet
A researcher works at the Ocean Genome Legacy Center.

NGN Research
Ocean Genome Legacy Center partners with 1% for the Planet

Why fishers distrust what the science says when it comes to protecting fish stocks

NGN Research
Why fishers distrust what the science says when it comes to protecting fish stocks

Paper from the Ocean Genome Legacy Center, ‘Greater Than pH 8: The pH Dependence of EDTA as a Preservative of High Molecular Weight DNA’

NGN Research
Paper from the Ocean Genome Legacy Center, ‘Greater Than pH 8: The pH Dependence of EDTA as a Preservative of High Molecular Weight DNA’