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Hajjar receives leadership award for contributions to civil engineering education

NGN Research
Hajjar receives leadership award for contributions to civil engineering education

Researchers awarded $2M EPA grant for clean water research

NGN Research
Researchers awarded $2M EPA grant for clean water research

‘Mississippi River Low-Flows: Context, Causes and Future Projections’

NGN Research
‘Mississippi River Low-Flows: Context, Causes and Future Projections’

‘Thought Bubbles: A Proxy into Players’ Mental Model Development’

NGN Research
‘Thought Bubbles: A Proxy into Players’ Mental Model Development’

‘Optimal Recursive Expert-Enabled Inference in Regulatory Networks’

NGN Research
‘Optimal Recursive Expert-Enabled Inference in Regulatory Networks’

Northeastern has strong showing at premier conference on computer-human interaction

NGN Research
Northeastern has strong showing at premier conference on computer-human interaction

Using deep neural networks to model complex wave patterns

NGN Research
Using deep neural networks to model complex wave patterns

Muñoz wins NSF CAREER Grant for ‘floodplain sedimentation’ research

NGN Research
Muñoz wins NSF CAREER Grant for ‘floodplain sedimentation’ research

Flood dangers rise as shipping channels deepen

NGN Research
Flood dangers rise as shipping channels deepen

Isolating plastics to analyze pollutants

NGN Research
Isolating plastics to analyze pollutants

Kane recieves US Department of Energy award for vocational high school programs

NGN Research
Kane recieves US Department of Energy award for vocational high school programs

Hajjar receives $3.1 million grant for carbon-neutral construction research

NGN Research
Hajjar receives $3.1 million grant for carbon-neutral construction research