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Department of Energy grant to fund center for solar energy harvesting

NGN Research
Department of Energy grant to fund center for solar energy harvesting

Lee-Parsons receives NSF grant to enhance drug production from the periwinkle plant

NGN Research
Lee-Parsons receives NSF grant to enhance drug production from the periwinkle plant

Sherbo receives Catalyst Grant to study coral reef resilience

NGN Research
Sherbo receives Catalyst Grant to study coral reef resilience

‘Statistical Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Experiments With Repeated Measures Designs and Isobaric Labeling’

NGN Research
‘Statistical Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Experiments With Repeated Measures Designs and Isobaric Labeling’

Researchers awarded $2M EPA grant for clean water research

NGN Research
Researchers awarded $2M EPA grant for clean water research

‘Statistical Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Experiments with Repeated Measures Designs and Isobaric Labeling’

NGN Research
‘Statistical Detection of Differentially Abundant Proteins in Experiments with Repeated Measures Designs and Isobaric Labeling’

‘Semi-Quantitative Detection of Pseudouridine Modifications and Type I/II Hypermodifications in Human mRNAs … Direct Long-Read Sequencing’

NGN Research
‘Semi-Quantitative Detection of Pseudouridine Modifications and Type I/II Hypermodifications in Human mRNAs … Direct Long-Read Sequencing’

‘Single-Cell Omic Molecular Profiling Using Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry’

NGN Research
‘Single-Cell Omic Molecular Profiling Using Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry’

‘Identification of Novel Anti-Amoebic Pharmacophores From Kinase Inhibitor Chemotypes’

NGN Research
‘Identification of Novel Anti-Amoebic Pharmacophores From Kinase Inhibitor Chemotypes’

How cephalopods can inspire new technologies

NGN Research
How cephalopods can inspire new technologies

‘Automated Active Space Selection With Dipole Moments’

NGN Research
‘Automated Active Space Selection With Dipole Moments’

‘Going Beyond Binary: Rapid Identification of Protein–Protein Interaction Modulators’

NGN Research
‘Going Beyond Binary: Rapid Identification of Protein–Protein Interaction Modulators’