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Our plastic pollution problem may have more significant consequences than we think

Science & TechnologyArticle

Our plastic pollution problem may have more significant consequences than we think

She’s building better bones while encouraging diversity in science
Morgan Pffaf at work in her lab

She’s building better bones while encouraging diversity in science

Jared Auclair

Jared Auclair

Black people are underrepresented in medical research. She wants to change that.

Society & CultureArticle

Black people are underrepresented in medical research. She wants to change that.

How teaching organic chemistry can be like teaching a foreign language

How teaching organic chemistry can be like teaching a foreign language

Cannabis will transform medicine—once we figure out how to get rid of its side effects

Science & TechnologyArticle

Cannabis will transform medicine—once we figure out how to get rid of its side effects

Could houses of the future be made by bacteria?

Science & TechnologyArticle

Could houses of the future be made by bacteria?

Chemists are training machine learning algorithms used by Facebook and Google to find new molecules

Science & TechnologyArticle

Chemists are training machine learning algorithms used by Facebook and Google to find new molecules

Northeastern University researchers synthesize chemical found in longfin squid to use for UV protection

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern University researchers synthesize chemical found in longfin squid to use for UV protection

Northeastern researchers team up with Kebotix to improve light-based cancer treatments
A model of a molecule.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern researchers team up with Kebotix to improve light-based cancer treatments

Northeastern researchers are using machine learning algorithms to predict the function of enzymes from their amino acids

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern researchers are using machine learning algorithms to predict the function of enzymes from their amino acids

Northeastern University’s Zoe Bishop will teach in South Korea after winning a Fulbright scholarship

Northeastern University’s Zoe Bishop will teach in South Korea after winning a Fulbright scholarship