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Building stronger ties by balancing mindfulness and compassion

University NewsArticle

Building stronger ties by balancing mindfulness and compassion

‘Peer inside’ the brain during Northeastern’s Brain Awareness Week

‘Peer inside’ the brain during Northeastern’s Brain Awareness Week

Researcher develops technology to advance antibiotic discovery

Researcher develops technology to advance antibiotic discovery

Students wow audience with research ranging from organ regeneration to quantum solar energy

Students wow audience with research ranging from organ regeneration to quantum solar energy

Researchers on fast track to combat antibiotic resistance

Science & TechnologyArticle

Researchers on fast track to combat antibiotic resistance

Northeastern receives $9M grant to fast track the discovery of new antibiotics

Northeastern receives $9M grant to fast track the discovery of new antibiotics

How serious is the threat posed by new ‘superbug’?

World NewsArticle

How serious is the threat posed by new ‘superbug’?

Meet the graduates: Julie Hugunin

University NewsArticle

Meet the graduates: Julie Hugunin

Northeastern researchers work to keep hospital-acquired staph infections in check

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern researchers work to keep hospital-acquired staph infections in check

It’s a bug’s life

University NewsArticle

It’s a bug’s life

Researchers investigate four promising new treatments for Lyme disease

Science & TechnologyArticle

Researchers investigate four promising new treatments for Lyme disease

Researcher studies worms to reveal the fountain of youth

Science & TechnologyArticle

Researcher studies worms to reveal the fountain of youth