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Swastik Kar

Swastik Kar

Physicists may have accidentally discovered a new state of matter. The possibilities are endless.
Moire example image

Science & TechnologyArticle

Physicists may have accidentally discovered a new state of matter. The possibilities are endless.

Professors’ venture wins MassChallenge award
Swastik Kar, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Yung Joon Jung, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, were recently awarded $50,000 through the MassChallenge accelerator, and an additional grant through the CASIS-Boeing Prize for Technology in Space. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

Professors’ venture wins MassChallenge award

Physics discovery unlocks ingredients of 2-D ‘sandwich’

Science & TechnologyArticle

Physics discovery unlocks ingredients of 2-D ‘sandwich’

Northeastern researchers’ discovery could aid in detecting nuclear threats

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern researchers’ discovery could aid in detecting nuclear threats

From cameras to computers, new material could change how we work and play

From cameras to computers, new material could change how we work and play

Machine vision breakthrough: This device can see ‘millions of colors’

Science & TechnologyArticle

Machine vision breakthrough: This device can see ‘millions of colors’

‘Star Trek is not that far away.’ Grant will help develop cutting-edge quantum technology on Burlington campus

‘Star Trek is not that far away.’ Grant will help develop cutting-edge quantum technology on Burlington campus

2017: Year in review
2017 in review featured image

Digital ProjectsArticle

2017: Year in review

‘We are building a global university system’

‘We are building a global university system’

July 2017 in Photos

University NewsArticle

July 2017 in Photos

Meet some of Northeastern’s newest faculty for 2016-17

Meet some of Northeastern’s newest faculty for 2016-17