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Found 686 results.
We can’t combat climate change without changing minds. This psychology class explores how.
Illustration of two human heads with trees growing inside of them next to pipes emitting gases into the air.

NGN Magazine
We can’t combat climate change without changing minds. This psychology class explores how.

To fight climate change and promote climate justice, call on the banks

NGN Research
To fight climate change and promote climate justice, call on the banks

Can central banks fight climate change? A Northeastern researcher explains role in promoting sustainable financial practices
A large bank in London viewed outside on a slightly cloudy, blue sky day.


Can central banks fight climate change? A Northeastern researcher explains role in promoting sustainable financial practices

Honeybees are key to biodiversity. Researchers say ecosystems collapsing because of climate change have bee-like species that can be reintroduced  
Bee pollenating a yellow flower.

Science & TechnologyArticle

Honeybees are key to biodiversity. Researchers say ecosystems collapsing because of climate change have bee-like species that can be reintroduced  

‘Historic’ yet ‘disappointing’ COP28 agreement does not go far enough in fight against climate change, experts say
Leaders at the COP28 climate conference.

World NewsArticle

‘Historic’ yet ‘disappointing’ COP28 agreement does not go far enough in fight against climate change, experts say

Cross-country trek in electric vehicle tests the limits of charging network, finds faces tackling climate change along the way
Sophie Shrand standing in front of solar panels.

Society & CultureArticle

Cross-country trek in electric vehicle tests the limits of charging network, finds faces tackling climate change along the way

Ending the ‘false argument’ about whether we should adapt to climate conditions or work to mitigate climate change
flames burning in a van in California

Science & TechnologyArticle

Ending the ‘false argument’ about whether we should adapt to climate conditions or work to mitigate climate change

Climate justice: How do we contribute to sustainable development and address climate change at the same time?
mangroves in Kenya

Society & CultureArticle

Climate justice: How do we contribute to sustainable development and address climate change at the same time?

As climate change accelerates refugee crisis, experts stress the need for a shift in social attitudes, global cooperation
climate change refugees

Society & CultureArticle

As climate change accelerates refugee crisis, experts stress the need for a shift in social attitudes, global cooperation

Indonesia is building a new capital. Will it be a model amid climate change?
A man walks in shallow water flooding Jakarta

World NewsArticle

Indonesia is building a new capital. Will it be a model amid climate change?

Can AI help reduce the risk of climate change disasters?


Can AI help reduce the risk of climate change disasters?

How Northeastern is helping Caribbean communities combat climate change and extreme weather
aerial shot of a Caribbean community devastated by a hurricane

Society & CultureArticle

How Northeastern is helping Caribbean communities combat climate change and extreme weather