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One place to visit in San Jose, California

The Rose Garden provides that contemplative space for any nature lover — but also for Northeastern students who find themselves on the cusp of career decisions.

A garden of roses in San Jose, California.
Municipal Rose Gardens, San Jose, California. Getty Images

Manny Machado-Cifuentes first learned of San Jose’s vibrant Municipal Rose Garden — dubbed “America’s Best Rose Garden” — when he was a student himself. He went to visit friends in the area, and they all decided to meet there. 

“The area is so beautiful and very quiet,” says Machado-Cifuentes, who is a career development adviser for Northeastern University’s Silicon Valley campus. “I thought it was a nice place, as there were many places where you can find an area and relax. It was also super friendly, filled with lots of people, friend groups and families.” 

Machado-Cifuentes helps students identify career pathways, putting into practice job search strategies, facilitating career readiness workshops, and assisting in building partnerships with industry professionals. He says the Rose Garden provides that contemplative space for any nature lover — but also for students who find themselves on the cusp of career decisions. 

“When it’s a sunny day, I encourage students to bring their cameras,” he says. “The roses are so beautiful!”

Located about three miles west of Northeastern’s Silicon Valley campus, the Municipal Rose Garden, known for its rolling lawns and bright, colorful displays, is perpetually abloom with hybrid roses and new varieties. All and all, visitors can enjoy more than 3,500 plantings and 189 varieties. The garden is open from 8 a.m. to an hour after sunset.  

For those looking to picnic, the Rose Garden is the place for you. Picnicking is allowed, but space is occupied on a first-come, first-serve basis.

“I also encourage them to bring friends and even a few snacks,” Machado-Cifuentes says. “It’s a great place to kill time and relax. For those who need a place to reflect, this is also a great site for this as it is a very calm place.”