Faculty Senate to include all full-time faculty by Molly Callahan March 22, 2018 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Provost James Bean presides over Wednesday’s Faculty Senate meeting. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University In a move to make the Faculty Senate more representative of all Northeastern faculty, members approved a resolution Wednesday to make all full-time faculty eligible for election to the legislative body. Previously, full-time, non-tenure track faculty could not be elected to the body. Additionally, the resolution makes faculty from the College of Professional Studies eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. The resolution also changes the composition of senators on the body—from 30 elected faculty and 10 administrators including the provost, to 33 elected faculty and seven administrators including the provost. The update to the bylaws of legislative body required approval by two-thirds of the members who voted Wednesday, which it achieved. The resolution will now go to the full roster of tenured and tenure-track faculty for a final vote.