Tweets of the Week: Sept. 26 to Sept. 30 by Molly Callahan September 30, 2016 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Students sit in Shillman Hall in between classes on Wednesday. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University Ultimate mind warp for me: C-SPAN is currently interviewing a professor I had at #Northeastern on the history of presidential debates. — Victoria Rossi (@VictoriaRossi) September 26, 2016 Met a lot of great people tonight at #hubweekhackathon at @Northeastern — Todd Wallack (@TWallack) September 29, 2016 "No data is useless. You can get a little bit of incremental information out of any data." -Igor Tulchinsky. #HUBweek #Northeastern #Data — Shondiin Silversmith⁷ (@DiinSilversmith) September 28, 2016 Huskies hiring Huskies @Northeastern — Greg (@gdcvsrph) September 26, 2016 For math major,it all adds up to education.Patrick McDeed is going to Finland to learn their approach to education — President Aoun (@PresidentAoun) September 29, 2016 One @HUBweek panel down, one more to go 10/1 on @SheStartedIt @GlobeDocs. @PresidentAoun @bhalligan @donna_levin. — Shirley Leung (@leung) September 28, 2016 Great minds changing the world one tape job at a time! @patellaprof @Northeastern — Eric Folmar (@eric_folmar11) September 29, 2016