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Jewish scholars talk about the ‘psychic familiarity’ of Hamas attack on Oct. 7
Mai’a Cross sitting with two panel speakers at the Crisis Conversation Series.

World NewsArticle

Jewish scholars talk about the ‘psychic familiarity’ of Hamas attack on Oct. 7

A more insidious form of Holocaust denial emerges
Robert Salomon Morton Lecturer Jan Grabowski, Professor of History at the University of Ottawa and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, speaks about Holocaust denial and distortion in Northeastern's West Village.

A more insidious form of Holocaust denial emerges

How will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end? And at what cost?

World NewsArticle

How will the Russian invasion of Ukraine end? And at what cost?

Surge of anti-Semitism reflects ingrained pattern, historian says

Surge of anti-Semitism reflects ingrained pattern, historian says