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Ignore the hand-wringing headlines about the impending artificial intelligence revolution, but get ready for the disruption.
An image of co-author John D. Wood's eye created using artificial intelligence. Courtesy of Nada Sanders

Society & CultureArticle

Ignore the hand-wringing headlines about the impending artificial intelligence revolution, but get ready for the disruption.

Are lifelong learning savings accounts the answer to bridging the skills gap in the age of artificial intelligence?

Are lifelong learning savings accounts the answer to bridging the skills gap in the age of artificial intelligence?

New Northeastern-Gallup poll: People in the US, UK, and Canada want to keep up in the artificial intelligence age. They say employers, educators, and governments are letting them down.


New Northeastern-Gallup poll: People in the US, UK, and Canada want to keep up in the artificial intelligence age. They say employers, educators, and governments are letting them down.