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3Qs: How we feel what we feel

3Qs: How we feel what we feel

Researchers pinpoint epicenter of brain’s predictive ability

Researchers pinpoint epicenter of brain’s predictive ability

The thinking behind gender stereotypes

The thinking behind gender stereotypes

Can current stimulate smarts?

Can current stimulate smarts?

A biological engine for human language

A biological engine for human language

The wonder of human movement

The wonder of human movement

A better brainwave monitor

A better brainwave monitor

Sniffing out a mystery of the brain

Science & TechnologyArticle

Sniffing out a mystery of the brain


Science & TechnologyArticle


A humble fish helps us understand our own brains
Günther Zupanc with research associates Ruxandra Sîrbulescu and Iulian Ilies.

A humble fish helps us understand our own brains