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Northeastern’s Life Sciences Testing Center secures certifications to process the university’s coronavirus tests

Northeastern’s Life Sciences Testing Center secures certifications to process the university’s coronavirus tests

They’re using virtual reality to ensure patients get safe and effective drugs

Science & TechnologyArticle

They’re using virtual reality to ensure patients get safe and effective drugs

Northeastern University to partner with National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training in Ireland to produce better and safer advanced drug and therapy treatment
David Luzzi, senior vice provost for research and vice president of Northeastern’s Innovation Campus, and Killian O’Driscoll, who directs projects at the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research, sign a partnership agreement on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

Northeastern University to partner with National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training in Ireland to produce better and safer advanced drug and therapy treatment

Northeastern University’s Biopharmaceutical Analysis Training Laboratory receives capital grant from Massachusetts Life Sciences Center

Northeastern University’s Biopharmaceutical Analysis Training Laboratory receives capital grant from Massachusetts Life Sciences Center