Politico When the mass shooter is female The vast majority “of mass shootings are committed by men,” explains James Alan Fox, a criminology professor at Northeastern University and an expert on mass killings. “Keep in mind that 90 percent of murders are committed by men. … Homicides are a male-dominated activity, especially when it involves guns.”
The Providence Journal Official: Victim didn’t know 14-year-old school shooter Such shootings are rarely carried out by females, according to Jack Levin, co-director of the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict at Northeastern University. Levin noted that more than 95 percent of fatal school shootings are committed by males. “And if you look only at the shooters who are students at the school at the […]
How the Las Vegas shooting does and doesn’t fit the pattern of mass shootings The two shooters in the Las Vegas violence were a man and a woman, police said, which also makes this episode unusual, because 97 percent of these shooters are male. Las Vegas police said they believe the female shooter shot and killed the male gunman before taking her own life. According to the FBI, four […]