Campus pup growing up by Michael Armini October 18, 2021 Share this story Copy Link Link Copied! Email Facebook LinkedIn Twitter WhatsApp Reddit When I parked my car Thursday morning and walked out to Columbus Ave, I bumped into a campus celebrity. No it wasn’t President Aoun or Bill Coen, our men’s basketball coach. It was Cooper, the university’s “community resource dog.” I quickly snapped a photo to share with my 15-year-old daughter. After joining Northeastern just three months ago, the super soft golden retriever has 1,450 followers on Instagram (way more than I do!) and, based on the comments, it’s clear that plenty of those followers include high schoolers like my daughter. Could a dog—cleverly named after the university’s co-op program—actually increase undergraduate applicants? Time will tell. Today is Cooper’s first birthday and if you’re on the Boston campus make sure to stop by the Rainbow Tent at 40 Leon Street (behind the Visitors’ Center) between 11 am and 1 pm to join in the celebration. I’ll be there.