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All your COVID-19 vaccine questions answered

All your COVID-19 vaccine questions answered

Fake news vs. factual news: Think twice about what’s in your feed

Fake news vs. factual news: Think twice about what’s in your feed

We know companies are collecting and sharing our data. Is there anything we can do about it?

Science & TechnologyArticle

We know companies are collecting and sharing our data. Is there anything we can do about it?

Lessons from one of the world’s most successful businesswomen on running a global company

Lessons from one of the world’s most successful businesswomen on running a global company

The Bloomberg memes say he’s got enough money to take risks. But what do they say about democracy?

The Bloomberg memes say he’s got enough money to take risks. But what do they say about democracy?

Young people are talking politics on TikTok. Is this a good thing?
TikTok ads

Young people are talking politics on TikTok. Is this a good thing?

Chemists are training machine learning algorithms used by Facebook and Google to find new molecules

Science & TechnologyArticle

Chemists are training machine learning algorithms used by Facebook and Google to find new molecules

Facebook’s ad delivery system still discriminates by race, gender, age
Illustration of bias


Facebook’s ad delivery system still discriminates by race, gender, age

Facebook has already decided how you’re going to vote
image of the facebook app

Science & TechnologyArticle

Facebook has already decided how you’re going to vote

Twitter has banned political ads. Is Facebook next?
Twitter stock image

Twitter has banned political ads. Is Facebook next?

Advertisers might not know it, but Facebook’s ad delivery service still discriminates by race and gender

Advertisers might not know it, but Facebook’s ad delivery service still discriminates by race and gender

Northeastern University research finds smart TVs, other Internet-connected devices are exposing private user data
The smart devices in your home are listening to you, recording your whereabouts, and sending data to technology companies and other third-parties, according to a new study by David Choffnes, an associate professor at Northeastern. Photo by Matthew Modoono/Northeastern University

Science & TechnologyArticle

Northeastern University research finds smart TVs, other Internet-connected devices are exposing private user data